Sciatica FAQs

Our Lubbock Chiropractor Answers Your Sciatica FAQs

Did you know sciatica isn't a specific disease, but a syndrome of symptoms that can be caused by a number of different reasons? At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, our chiropractic team is here to help you truly understand the root cause of your sciatica symptoms and get you started on the healing journey you deserve. 

We firmly believe that by knowing more about this broad condition, you or your loved ones will know how to avoid and manage it. Keep reading to learn more.

Chiropractor treating patient for sciatica

What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica is caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. Your sciatic nerve exits the spinal cord in your lower back, then splits off to innervate your legs and lower body. The sciatic nerve can become compressed by anything that reduces the amount of space surrounding it, including a degenerated disc, spondylosis (arthritis of the spine), spinal stenosis, disc herniation, disc bulge, a bony cyst, or inflammation. 

Am I at Risk for Sciatica?

You may be more at risk for sciatica if you have any of the following risk factors:

  • • A traumatic injury
  • • Pregnancy
  • • Perform frequent heavy lifting, bending, or twisting 
  • • Excessive sitting
  • • Other chronic health conditions, like obesity and type 2 diabetes

What Are Sciatica Signs and Symptoms?

The most common signs and symptoms of sciatica include:

  • • Shooting or burning numbness, pain, and tingling that goes down the buttocks and into the leg
  • • Lower back pain and stiffness
  • • Weakness in a foot ("drop foot" or inability to lift the toes)

Pain and symptoms may get worse or better or move down or up the leg depending on the time of day, activity, and other factors.

How Does a Chiropractor Treat Sciatica? 

Our Lubbock, TX chiropractor treats sciatica first by helping each patient learn the causes and contributing factors of their symptoms. We guide this important discovery process by using diagnostic tests and a person’s medical history. Based on the results of our examination, we'll deliver customized treatments that can address your sciatica at its root. Our services include spinal decompression, postural exercises, and even nerve block injections to alleviate pain and inflammation, restore stability and strength in your core, help your sciatic nerve heal, and prevent recurring issues.

Is Sciatica Keeping You Off Your Feet?

For six years, our team at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine has been recognized as an area-leader in holistic health care. Call (806) 791-3399 to connect with a Lubbock, TX chiropractor and discover individualized, natural chiropractic care for your sciatica symptoms.


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