Sports Enhancement

Sports Enhancement

Chiropractic care is increasingly sought after by athletes and sports enthusiasts to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and support overall well-being. Chiropractors specializing in sports chiropractic focus on the unique needs of individuals engaged in physical activities, whether professional athletes, weekend warriors, or fitness enthusiasts. At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine in Lubbock, TX, our sports chiropractor helps athletes play the best.


What Is a Sports Chiropractor?

While any chiropractor can support an athlete's health and wellness, a sports chiropractor is a licensed chiropractor who specializes in sports chiropractic care. Sports chiropractors typically have extra training and experience in this area.

Our practice is highly skilled at diagnosing and treating common sports injuries. We are also experts in helping your body function correctly, which can enhance your athletic performance.

How Can a Sports Chiropractor Improve Athletic Performance?

 Our sports chiropractor can benefit athletes in several ways. It's important to note that this applies to anyone who enjoys playing sports or being active, not just professionals.

Faster Healing after Injury

One of the benefits of seeing our chiropractor is we can speed up your healing after a sports injury. Our chiropractor does this through chiropractic adjustment and other therapies that allow your body to heal properly and with less pain.

Chiropractic adjustments can reduce pain and inflammation, increase blood flow, and improve nervous system function. This care creates the conditions your body needs to heal while reducing pain.

Less Risk of Injury

In addition to treating injuries, our sports chiropractor can help reduce your risk of injuries in the future. Chiropractic adjustment keeps your body in balance and functioning correctly. This balance makes your joints and muscles less prone to injuries because everything works smoothly.

Chiropractic adjustment also lowers the level of inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to sports injuries so lower inflammation can reduce your risk of injury.

Faster Reaction Time

Reaction time is critical to your sports performance. Studies have shown that regular chiropractic care improves your reaction time by as much as 6 percent. This percentage can be the difference between scoring a point or losing the game.

Increases Flexibility and Strength

Flexibility and strength are also essential for optimal athletic performance. Chiropractic treatment can improve your flexibility, increase your performance, and decrease your risk of injury. Your muscle strength can also improve with regular chiropractic care. 

Sports Chiropractor at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine

If you are looking for a sports chiropractor in Lubbock, TX, contact us at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine. We offer treatment for common sports injuries. We can also help you improve your sports performance and reduce your risk of injury in the future. Call us at (806) 791-3399 to schedule an appointment.


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