Neck Pain FAQs

Experiencing pain and discomfort in the neck region of the body requires appropriate treatment to get symptoms to subside. Contact Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine in Lubbock to make an appointment with our chiropractor to obtain neck pain relief. Here are some questions people frequently ask about neck pain and some information about how our chiropractic care is an effective treatment for neck pain when you are suffering from this condition.

Neck Pain FAQs

What Causes Neck Pain to Happen?

Neck pain often happens quickly and without any warning. It is often the result of looking in one direction too frequently or for too long of a direction. Looking down at a cell phone or other electronic device could cause "text neck" to occur. Using too many pillows when you go to sleep can make your neck go stiff because the neck is stretched while sleeping. Repetitive movements of the neck or poor ergonomic practices can lead to soreness of the neck. Many people may experience neck pain as a result of injuries incurred from a car accident or sporting event.

Are There Some Ways To Avoid Pain In The Neck?

There are a few precautionary steps you can take to try to stop neck pain from happening altogether. When you ride in a vehicle, be sure that your headrest is nestled against the central portion of the back of your head to reduce the chance of whiplash if you get into an accident. Avoid using too many pillows when you slumber, so your neck is not angled improperly for a long duration of time. If you use a cell phone or similar device, keep it at eye level, so your head does not slump forward when you use it. Using a timer on your device is also helpful, so you know when to look away for a bit of time. 

Are There Any Neck Pain Relief?

Neck pain treatment can be conducted by our chiropractor in the comfort of our practice. This usually entails spinal adjustments to help reduce joint stress, allow proper blood circulation, and give an overall sense of well-being in many parts of the body. Temperature therapy and massages are also effective means of neck pain relief. These neck pain treatments can be provided at our chiropractic care center by our chiropractor during your appointment, if desired.

If you are currently suffering from neck pain, contact Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine in Lubbock to make an appointment for an evaluation of your condition. Our chiropractor is available to give you recommendations on neck pain relief methods that work. Call us today at (806) 791-3399.


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