Preventing Knee Pain with Chiropractic Care

Preventing Knee Pain With Chiropractic Care

Chronic knee pain can make life unbearable. Fortunately, chiropractic care can manage and prevent knee pain. Your chiropractor near you at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine in Lubbock, TX, offers several knee pain treatment methods to provide long-lasting relief. Our team is here to share more about common causes of knee pain and how we can treat and prevent it.  


Determining the Root

Many different things can lead to knee pain, including but not limited to:

  • Being overweight
  • Bursitis
  • Misalignments
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Injuries
  • Tendonitis

By determining the underlying cause of your knee pain, your chiropractor near you can devise a treatment plan to correct the root of your issue before it leads to significant health problems. Doing this can prevent chronic pain and discomfort.

Improve Alignment

A misalignment in the back or the joints can lead to knee pain. Your chiropractor can use a chiropractic adjustment to correct misalignments and reduce pain. Adjustments are critical for restoring and maintaining alignment, which keeps undue pressure off the nerves, tendons, ligaments, and muscles.

Increase Blood Flow

Your joints will not get the nutrients and oxygen they need to function correctly when your blood does not flow properly. This lack of nutrients and oxygen can result in pain and stiffness. A chiropractor near you can help improve blood flow throughout the body through adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and soft tissue therapy.

Improve Mobility

Knee pain often impacts mobility and flexibility, making you hesitant to move due to the pain and stiffness. However, not moving your joints can increase your pain since you are not getting proper blood flow. This unfortunate cycle can lead to additional pain and stiffness and spiral into a chronic issue.

Your chiropractor can employ multiple techniques to help improve mobility. Adjustments are highly effective in relieving the source of mobility issues, as they restore alignment and relieve unnecessary tension from the surrounding joint components. Soft tissue techniques and therapeutic exercises are also beneficial for knee pain since they improve blood flow and relieve tightness. Combining adjustments with soft tissue methods makes moving your joints easier and strengthens your body to prevent future knee issues.

Reduce Inflammation

Your chiropractor will focus on eliminating the root cause of your knee pain, which reduces inflammation. Your chiropractor can do this through methods like adjustments and soft tissue therapy. However, they can also employ other techniques to provide long-lasting pain relief.

Nutritional guidance is often a vital component of knee pain treatment. Your chiropractor can recommend the best vitamins, nutrients, and minerals to help improve knee health and naturally fight inflammation. They will also provide recommendations for addressing factors that contribute to pain and inflammation. These lifestyle recommendations can include help with weight loss, poor habits, and more.  

Visit Your Lubbock, TX, Chiropractor Near You for Knee Pain Treatment Today

Knee pain can be debilitating and get in the way of doing the things you love, so contact Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine in Lubbock, TX, to get the knee pain treatment you need to feel like yourself again. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (806) 791-3399. We can help treat your knee pain and prevent it from occurring in the future with our chiropractic care.


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