Back Pain

Back Pain Relief from Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine

Back pain is one of the most common chronic medical conditions in the country. Those who suffer from back pain might have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, going to work, or attending school. Clearly, this can create a significant quality of life issue for everyone across the country. With this in mind, it is crucial for everyone to have access to a highly trained medical provider, such as a chiropractor in Lubbock. The qualified team from Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine is here to discuss a variety of pain management techniques that can help everyone who suffers from pain in their back.


An Overview of Pain Management Techniques in the Back

Back pain is one of the most common complaints that we receive in our office. Fortunately, we have a number of treatment options for those who suffer from this daily discomfort. Some of the treatment options we provide include:

Spinal Adjustments: A spinal adjustment is one of the critical tools that a chiropractor can use to treat back pain. In this adjustment, the chiropractor is going to look at the alignment of the vertebrae. Then, using a simple procedure, the doctor will like them up. This can relieve someone’s back pain.

Spinal Decompression: Another tool the chiropractor might use is called spinal decompression. Using traction, the chiropractor will increase the amount of space that is present between the vertebrae. This can help people who are suffering from a herniated disc or a pinched nerve.

Massage Therapy: Massage therapy is another technique for people who might be suffering from back pain. This is great for people whose discomfort stems from a muscular issue, such as a sprain or a knot. This can also help someone improve their circulation while also releasing lactic acidosis that might have built up. Massage therapy is part of a well-rounded back pain treatment plan.

Contact the Trusted Team from Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine

These are only a few of the many different treatment options that can help someone who is suffering from back pain. Those who have pain in their back need to trust a trained medical provider for assistance. The team from Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine is here to help everyone in the Lubbock, TX area with their pain relief. We will work hard to understand your individual needs and come up with a treatment plan that will meet them. We will work hard and will not rest until your pain is an issue of the past. To learn more about how we can help you, please call us today to schedule an appointment. We would be honored to take care of you and your family.


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