Pinched Nerves

What Are Pinched Nerves?

Are you searching for a chiropractor? If so, look no further than Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine located in Lubbock, TX. We deal with different conditions such as pinched nerves and many others. Pinched nerves result from a lot of pressure that is applied to a nerve by any surrounding tendons, muscles, cartilage, or bones. As a result, nerve function becomes disrupted resulting in numbness, weakness, tingling, or pain. Pinched nerves can happen almost anywhere in your body. It is important to seek treatment from a chiropractor if you are dealing with pinched nerves.


Causes & Symptoms of Pinched Nerves

Pinched nerves result from pressure on nerves. They can be caused by repetitive motions or while holding your body in a certain position for a long period of time. For example, pinched nerves can result from keeping your elbows bent while you are sleeping. Nerve compression occurs between ligaments, bones, and tendons.

Depending on where your pinched nerve is located, symptoms may vary. For example, you may experience low back pain or neck pain resulting from pressure or inflammation on nerve roots from the spine. Pain may radiate from the neck leading into the arm or even shoulder. This is also known as cervical radiculopathy. Lumbar radiculopathy on the other hand means that the pain may radiate into the leg and foot. Changes develop in the spine and these conditions are what causes herniated disks and pressure on spinal nerves.

You may experience numbness or tingling, radicular pain or radiating pain, pain in the lower back or neck, weakness, and pins and needles sensations. There may be times where your symptoms will worsen with particular movements. For example, straining your neck or turning your head may make symptoms worse.

Treatment for Pinched Nerves

A very effective treatment for pinched nerves is chiropractic care. This is because the root causes are addressed during treatment. Spinal manipulation and other chiropractic adjustments are used to treat pinched nerves. As a result, pain is relieved and healing can begin. This also allows patients to be able to return back to their normal activities right away with little to no down time. Chiropractors use techniques to bring the body back into alignment.

Contact Us

If you are searching for a chiropractor and are located in the Lubbock, TX, area, give us a call here at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine today to schedule your appointment.


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