Causes and Symptoms of Knee Pain

The Causes and Symptoms of Knee Pain

Chiropractors are known for treating back pain, but we also address various other issues. Knee pain is a common concern treated at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine in Lubbock, TX. Let's explore some of the most common causes of knee pain.



Arthritis is one of the most prevalent causes of knee pain. Osteoarthritis affects 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. It typically occurs as you age, and the cartilage in the joint begins to break down, leading to pain and inflammation. The most noticeable sign of arthritis is pain. You may also experience stiffness, limited range of motion, or a grating sensation with movement. Inflammation can result in swelling, and your knee may feel warm to the touch.


Injuries are another issue causing knee pain that we address in our office. Knee injuries can be either acute or chronic. Acute knee injuries occur suddenly, while chronic injuries develop over time.

Acute Knee Injuries

Sprains and strains are the most common acute knee injuries. They happen when your knee is twisted or stretched in the wrong way, leading to injuries in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments. More severe injuries include tears in the ACL or Meniscus. Knee fractures and dislocations can also cause knee pain. The most common symptom of an acute knee injury is sudden pain, which can be severe depending on the injury. You may experience a limited range of motion or difficulty putting weight on the knee.

Chronic or Overuse Injuries

Chronic or overuse knee injuries develop over time. The pain typically starts as mild and may only occur occasionally. As the injury worsens, you'll notice increased pain, especially after activity. Symptoms can include pain that comes and goes, worsening with movement or knee usage. You may experience dull pain in the front of your knee, swelling, and limited range of motion.

Chronic injuries usually result from repeated movements. If you play sports or have a physically demanding job, you are more likely to develop this type of injury. Tendonitis, bursitis, runner's knee, or Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome are common overuse injuries.

Problems in Other Areas

Knee pain doesn't always originate from the knee itself. Misalignment in your spine, hip, ankle, or foot can cause you to walk differently, preventing the knee from functioning properly, leading to pain and potential injury.

Knee Pain Treatment at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine

If you are searching for a chiropractor near you in Lubbock, contact our team at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine. We provide chiropractic knee pain treatment so you can get the relief you need.


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