Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injections at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine

Lubbock chiropractor trigger point injection

At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, our services are customized for each individual patient, but they always include a combination of pain relief and corrective care. If your symptoms include tight, painful balls of muscle, we have an innovative treatment option that may work for you. Trigger point injections are treatments that offer both pain relief and an opportunity to correct the source of damage, so they fit right into our healing approach.

Are you interested in short-term and long-term pain relief for your trigger points? Learn what trigger point injections are, how they work, and what conditions they help correct. If you have more questions, consult our Lubbock nurse practitioner to find out if trigger point injections are right for you.

Understanding Trigger Point Injections

Not sure what trigger point injections actually are? Don't worry; the science is innovative, but the concept is actually pretty simple. Trigger points are clusters of restricted muscle. You may know them as knots, balls, or hard spots that cause pain and irritation. While trigger points develop for many different reasons, they are always the result of muscle damage. Trigger point injections are actually injections with syringes, which deliver a combination of Lidocaine and anti-inflammatory substances directly into these trigger points.

Conditions Treated with Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections may provide pain relief and promote healing for patients with the following conditions:

    • Muscle Pain – From minor strains, sprains, and inflammation to excruciating tears and tension, muscle tissue damage can seriously interfere with your joint function and overall wellness. Non-use, repetitive motions, and sudden injuries can all result in muscle pain, but cell regrowth is necessary to promote healing and prevent further pain and trigger points. Trigger point injections actually target the specific muscles that need relief, temporarily numbing them to allow healthy stretching and blood flow that is necessary for cell regrowth and healing.
    • Fibromyalgia – This chronic musculoskeletal condition is linked to widespread pain and fatigue, but symptoms often include pain and sensitivity in 18 different trigger points.
    • Headaches & Migraines – Tension and nerve compression are common causes of headaches and migraines, and trigger point injections may relieve this debilitating pain immediately while loosening the muscles to prevent further headaches.

What Happens During Trigger Point Injections

We want our patients to know what to expect during our services. Fortunately, trigger point injections are relatively painless and low-risk treatments that may provide full or partial pain relief immediately. During your first procedure, you may be asked to sit or lie down, depending on the location of your trigger points. Next, a member of our wellness team will clean your injection site with antiseptic.

It typically takes more than just one injection for painful symptoms to subside. If you do not experience satisfactory pain relief after the series of injections we will try a different approach to reducing your pain and encourage healing. We will customize your treatment plan to fit your evolving needs and symptoms.

Make an Appointment with Our Lubbock Nurse Practitioner

Are you interested in trigger point injections? If you think you are a good candidate for this all-natural pain relief method, make an appointment at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine. Our nurse practitioner in Lubbock is happy to help patients heal with trigger point injections and other innovative treatment options. The goal is always to identify the source of your symptoms and fix your long-term problems. Call (806) 791-3399 to schedule your trigger point injections in Lubbock.


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