Nutritional Counseling FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Nutrition Counseling at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine

One of the biggest problems facing the healthcare system today has to do with both diet and exercise. Too many people in this country have experienced problems with their weight. At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, we are no strangers to this. That is why we have added nutrition counseling services to our repertoire. We believe that everyone in the local area should have access to well-rounded health care services. Part of chiropractic medicine includes nutrition. When someone comes to see us for nutritional counseling, there are a few common questions that we hear. We hope that the answers to some of these questions will help everyone who comes to see us.


Frequently Asked Questions about Nutrition Counseling

Some of the most common questions people have when they come to Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine for nutritional counseling include:

What should I expect during my first visit?

When someone comes to see us for the first time, expect that we are going to take the time to get to know you. We believe that by taking the time to get to know our patients, we can tailor our treatment plans to meet their needs. For this reason, we are here to listen to you and your concerns without judgment or reservation. Then, we will meet you where you're at and come up with a treatment plan that works for you.

Will nutritional counseling help me lose weight?

This is a common concern that people have. Yes, nutritional counseling can help you lose weight. However, our goal is to give you the tools that you need to create a successful diet. Please know that this is not an overnight fix. We believe the best diet is one that you can stick to. For this reason, we will come up with a diet that has been tailored to meet your healthcare needs. Over the course of our sessions, we will gradually turn your diet into one that you can proud of.

Can nutritional counseling work with other chiropractic treatment methods?

Yes! We typically use counseling as only one of many tools to help our patients focus on their overall health and wellness. Trust us to take a well-rounded approach.

Call Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine Today to Make an Appointment

At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, the goal of our chiropractor team is to make sure that everyone has access to comprehensive healthcare services. That is why we offer nutrition counseling along with the mainstay chiropractic treatment options such as adjustments and manipulations. If you are looking for a trained chiropractor in the local area then please call Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine today to make an appointment. It would be our honor to help you. Give us a call at (806) 791-3399 to learn more.


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