Cluster Headaches

Cluster Headaches In Lubbock

Headaches occur at unexpected times and cause complications for your day. When you start experiencing cluster headaches, you want to address the underlying causes of the headaches and start an appropriate treatment solutions contact our Lubbock chiropractor for a natural pain relief.

Woman with cluster headaches in Lubbock

What are Cluster Headaches?

Cluster headaches refer to a type of headache causing severe pain over a series of days, weeks or even months. Generally, the headaches are short; however, the amount of pain associated with cluster headaches contributes to complications in your normal routine.

In most cases, the headaches occur at the same time of the year on an annual basis. They may cause intense pain around one specific eye. The pain associated with cluster headaches may become more intense than the pain of a migraine, but it usually lasts for a shorter amount of time.

Causes of the Headaches

The actual causes of cluster headaches are unknown. Since it does have some seasonal aspects to the headaches, many individuals assume it relates to allergic reactions; however, the headaches do not actually stem from allergies.

Since the most intense pain usually occurs around one eye, it is likely that the cluster headaches relate to a nerve or a set of nerves in the face. Treating the headaches depends on the situation and the severity of the symptoms, but non-invasive options allow you to address the cause by improving the function of your nerves.

Lubbock Cluster Headache Treatment Options

Finding the right Lubbock cluster headache treatment depends on your goals and situation. At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, we provide non-surgical and drug-free solutions to cluster headaches. We recognize that seasonal changes, stress in your life or even changes in your environment may trigger the headaches and require appropriate treatment.

We focus on non-invasive and holistic treatments to address the symptoms of cluster headaches. Our team uses SGP Nerve Block to help reduce the impact of cluster headaches. The treatment, which is also called Sphenopalatine Ganglion, focuses on blocking the pain in your head by addressing the nerves in your face contributing to the pain.

We use different blockers to reduce the amount of pain by rubbing it into the area around the eyes and forehead. We may also use other tools to help reduce tension and stress, which may contribute to cluster headaches. After blocking the sensation of pain, we provide solutions to further reduce the risk of triggering cluster headaches in the future by improving the function of your spine. When you address problems with the spine and neck, you improve the way your brain sends signals and you address the underlying factors contributing to cluster headaches.

Headaches impact your daily routine by interfering with your normal activities. When you develop cluster headaches, you want to address the underlying factors contributing to the headaches to recover and improve the situation. At our clinic, we offer natural solutions to reduce the pain from your headaches. To learn more about our Lubbock cluster headache treatment options or to set up an appointment, contact us today.


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