Knee Pain FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Knee Pain at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine

Knee pain is a serious cause for concern, not only from the standpoint of discomfort and disability, but also because it raises the troubling question of corrective surgery. If you're looking for answers to your knee pain dilemma, you may find them in these frequently asked questions on the subject, courtesy of Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine.


How Do Acute Injuries Cause Knee Pain?

Any action that suddenly places the knee joint under excessive stress can cause damage such as torn muscles, stretched ligaments, strained tendons, or even dislocation of joint component. One example is "dashboard knee," in which the knee joint is jammed into the car dashboard during an auto accident.

How does Chronic Overuse Contribute to Knee Pain?

Chronic overuse of the knee joint can cause soft tissue strain that gets steadily worse over time, eventually leading to constant inflammation and pain. Repetitive motions from activities as running, dancing, golf, or tennis often cause chronic knee pain.

What Is Patellofemoral Syndrome?

Patellofemoral syndrome is the medical term for "runner's knee." This condition is characterized by painful instability in the kneecap.

How Do Degenerative Joint Conditions Cause Knee Pain?

The most common type of degenerative knee pain is osteoarthritis. This chronic condition occurs when the cartilage between the bone ends breaks down, limiting its ability to prevent friction. While this condition commonly develops with age, the extra stress associated with obesity can aggravate it, hastening the rate of deterioration.

Can a Spinal Misalignment Make Me Vulnerable to Knee Pain?

Anything that throws your musculoskeletal alignment off-center can cause abnormal stresses and strains in your weight-bearing joints. As a result, your hips, knees, ankles, and feet may be more vulnerable to acute injuries as well as chronic pain conditions.

How Does Your Chiropractor in Lubbock Diagnose Knee Problems?

Our Lubbock chiropractor, Dr. Kothmann, will check your spinal alignment and ask you about any conditions or situations that seemed to produce your pain. Once we know the cause of the pain and any aggravating factors, we can create a treatment plan to help you feel better.

What Forms of Non-Surgical Relief Can You Provide?

We can combine multiple non-surgical techniques to treat your knee pain. In addition to chiropractic adjustment, we may also prescribe PRP therapy, physical therapy exercises, ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, and lifestyle changes such as weight loss.

Our Chiropractor in Lubbock Has the Answer to Your Knee Pain

Don't suffer needlessly from knee pain when the answers you seek are right here at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine. Call (806) 791-3399 to schedule an appointment with our Lubbock chiropractor.


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