Common Questions About Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain very common and causes many people to seek out chiropractic care. When someone first comes in to see us at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine in Lubbock, TX, we perform a thorough evaluation to determine what is causing their pain, tingling, numbness, and other neck issues. When someone is suffering from neck pain following an accident, the cause is clear. However, there are many other causes of neck pain unrelated to accidents or injuries. We receive many questions regarding neck pain relief and have compiled the answers to the most common ones.


Common Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can result from an injury to the head or spine. More often, it is a result of something like occupational stress or aging. Poor posture is another common cause of neck pain. Any repetitive motion that involves the neck can result in pain over time, much like carpal tunnel syndrome affects your hands when they are repeating the same motion for hours on end over a long period.

Tech Neck

Your head weighs approximately the same as a bowling ball. This weight is held up by your neck muscles. Today, many people spend hours on end with their heads bent forward as they look at their phones, computer monitors, or other electronics. Over time, the weight of the head pulls on the neck muscles, forcing them to spend extensive time in an unnatural position. This strain requires the muscles to work harder to hold your head up. Eventually, the strain becomes too much, resulting in pain.

How Our Chiropractor Can Help

Chiropractic care can align your neck and cervical spine, reducing pressure on your musculoskeletal system. This allows your neck muscles to perform as they are meant to and helps release compressed or pinched nerves that cause pain, tingling, and numbness.

Neck Pain Relief in Lubbock, TX

At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, our chiropractor has years of experience treating the neck pain of Lubbock, TX, residents. For more information on neck pain relief or to schedule an appointment, call us at (806) 791-3399.


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