Text Neck

Neck Adjustment

Neck adjustment, or cervical manipulation, is a common chiropractic technique for neck pain. It involves applying controlled and precise force to the neck joints to realign and restore mobility to the vertebrae.


The goal of a neck adjustment is to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and alleviate tension and stiffness in the neck. Our chiropractors believe that misaligned or restricted joints in the neck can cause nerve irritation, muscle tension, and inflammation, leading to neck pain and related symptoms. Read below to discover how Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine in Lubbock, TX, can help with neck pain.

Causes of Neck Pain

Different situations produce neck pain. The most common tends to be pulled or strained neck muscles that stretch from the root of the side and rear skull to the top of the shoulders. Sleep wrong, pull the neck too fast, get thrown around in a car accident, and your neck muscles will feel damaged.

Another common cause of neck pain can be the nerves. A nerve pinch, pressure, or damage can also trigger incredible pain in the neck. The root cause might be elsewhere or caused by a bone, swelling, or misalignment.

Degenerative issues, age, and time can also create neck pain. Regular wear and tear and repetitive activity constantly strain the neck and produce long-term neck pain after years of exposure. This repetitive activity is common in manual trades and jobs that require a tremendous amount of desk and computer work. Arthritis is another well-established culprit of neck pain.

Treatment and Response

The first steps in any treatment by our chiropractor will be reviewing one’s medical history, recent issues, and evaluation of your current condition. These problems are not obvious but speak volumes to our chiropractor. When a diagnosis is complete, treatment will relieve pain, increase circulation, and restore proper alignment in the neck.

Visit Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine for Neck Adjustments

It's essential to choose our licensed and experienced chiropractor, who will conduct a thorough assessment, consider the patient's medical history, and discuss potential risks and benefits before proceeding with a neck adjustment. Communicate openly with us about any symptoms or concerns during and after the treatment.

Neck adjustment treatment is available at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine in Lubbock, TX. Our team provides a variety of chiropractic neck and spine adjustment treatments for patients of all ages and conditions, easily helping with pain relief and mobility restoration. Call our office at (806) 791-3399 to schedule an appointment.


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