Suffering from Osteoarthritis in Lubbock? Here's Why PRP Therapy May Be The Solution

Man suffering from osteoarthritis should look into PRP therapy for better health

At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, our team understands the value of innovative, integrative medicine. We know how important it is to harness your own healing abilities and encourage whole-body wellness, rather than forcing short-term results that don’t actually solve your long-term problems. That’s why we’re so dedicated to PRP therapy and other unique healing techniques. If you’re an athlete, you already know that full recovery is crucial after an injury, but sometimes your body might need help to heal. Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP therapy) is an excellent example of the targeted treatments we offer, and it’s a popular choice among Lubbock athletes who want to get back to the sports they love.

Are you an injured athlete in Lubbock? PRP injections may help with your journey toward pain relief and recovery. Here’s what you need to know about PRP therapy for athletes.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy?

Quite simply, PRP therapy is the process of extracting plasma from your blood and re-injecting them – in concentrated amounts – into a joint that needs to heal. Your blood already contains this plasma, which is packed with proteins, nutrients, antibodies, and other components essential for healing. The first step in any PRP therapy regimen is to draw blood, then manipulate the blood to extract the right amount of platelet-rich plasma.

When your doctor administers PRP injections, he or she is giving you back your own plasma, just in a more concentrated form. Your specific injury and body will determine the ideal concentration of white blood cells in the plasma you receive. After your own platelet-rich plasma is injected into your injured joint, these cells should get to work, stimulating the healing process and encouraging your tissue to repair itself.

Why is PRP Therapy a Good Idea for Sports Injuries?

Inflammation and trauma will prevent any injury, sudden or gradual, from healing properly. PRP therapy is an innovative, all-natural way to kick-start this healing process and encourage the body to start re-growing healthy cells again. But why is it smart for sports injuries? All patients deserve to recover as quickly as possible, especially if their injury affects mobility or causes constant pain. However, athletes following a training regimen or practicing for a big game might be especially anxious to heal.

When athletes practice or play with injuries that aren’t fully healed, they could face long-term or permanent consequences. Instead of sitting out your next season or risking injury – and slowing down the healing process – by playing with an injury, make sure your body has a chance to truly heal. PRP injections make it possible to target specific injuries, in order to relieve pain and eventually restore mobility, the range of motion, and strength.   

Which Sports Injuries & Conditions Do We Treat with PRP Therapy?

Because PRP injections are always customized for the patient’s specific needs, we can target many different injuries and conditions. Any ligament, muscle, or tendon injury is a good candidate for PRP therapy because platelet-rich plasma can be injected directly into the damaged tissue to promote new cell growth and healing.

Here are some of the most common sports injuries and conditions that our team has treated with PRP therapy in Lubbock:

  • Pulled Hamstring – This muscle strain is common but can be debilitating, and PRP therapy helps loosen and stimulate your tissue to restore range of motion
  • Achilles Tendonitis – This chronic condition may respond to PRP injections directly into the heel, which helps repair the inflamed tendon and restore mobility
  • Tennis Elbow – If you overextended the tendons outside your elbow, you may respond to PRP therapy to treat your chronic trauma and speed up healing
  • Torn Rotator Cuff – Tendon injuries may need help to start healing again, especially if overuse and inflammation are inevitable at the site of the trauma
  • Knee Arthritis – Over time, some athletes may develop premature arthritis as a result of overuse or repeated impact to their legs and knees

How Do Athletes Benefit from PRP Injections?

Every patient’s experience is different, but PRP therapy has helped many athletes find relief and work toward recovery after an injury. Here are some of our favorite benefits of PRP injections for sports injuries:

  • Faster Recovery Time
  • Improved or Restored Mobility
  • Improved or Restored Range of Motion
  • Pain Relief
  • Reduced Tension

Schedule Your PRP Therapy in Lubbock, TX

Are you interested in PRP therapy for a sports injury or condition? Our integrative pain relief clinic helps athletes throughout the Lubbock area, and our personalized PRP therapy regimen may be the solution you need. Call (806) 791-3399 to make an appointment at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine.




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