Benefits of PRP Injections As An Alternative To Knee Replacement Surgery

For anyone facing surgery, an alternative solution is always a welcome intervention. A knee replacement surgery should not be the only course of action if other alternatives are available. Other alternative treatments like Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP Injections can reduce pain. A research conducted at a specialty hospital showed that PRP is effective in treating knee osteoarthritis, a potentially aggressive and progressive disease. The article on this research is available in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine.

What are the Benefits of PRP Injections?

This is a question that patients ask all the time when they realize they have options.  Here is what we can say. Our work is based on the fact that the human body, under the right conditions can heal itself. Therapeutic techniques aid in the natural process of restoration, functionality, and comfort. However, an advanced all-natural treatment like PRP therapy will help the injured or affected part of the body to regenerate.

When combined with chiropractic care and other non-surgical alternatives, the healing process is quickened. After all, you are an important component of your healing plan, seeing that the platelets are taken from your own blood. This therapy uses your own plasma to heal your knee. Your plasma is isolated and concentrated, making the platelets up to 10 times richer. Next, we inject the powerful super- rich platelet into your knee, where it will begin to work. We will monitor your progress and order additional complementary therapies that will help the healing process of your knee.

Regenerative Medicine Therapy that Works

At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, we provide only the latest and most proficient course of treatment for our patients. Regenerative medicine is not new, but for patients who have limited knowledge of its benefits, it is definitely and a new course of treatment. Knee replacement surgery involves an invasive surgery with lots of down time and for some, slow healing. If problems were to arise, patients could spend more time away from work.

To learn more about PRP Injections and to determine if PRP Injections are right for you, give Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine a call at (806) 791-3399.




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